Scientists to be featured in
Day Star's future interviews: Stephen Hawking (on God and his
no-boundary proposal)
Alan Guth (father of the inflationary big bang)
Robert Jastrow (founder of NASA's Goddard Institute, director of Mt. Wilson
Jeremiah Ostriker (Princeton's co-discoverer of dark matter)
Arno Penzias (Nobel prize-winning discoverer of microwave background)
George Smoot (leader of NASA COBE satellite team that discovered ripples in cosmic
Chuck Steidel (Caltech astronomer who led international team in discovery of scores
primeval galaxies)
Marc Davis (Principle Investigator, Large Scale Structure of the Universe)
Eric Carlson (senior astronomer emeritus, Chicago's Adler Planetarium)
Robert Wilson (co-winner of Nobel prize for discovery of microwave background)
If you'd like to go to another interview now, choose from among the following topics
interviewed scientists:
Interview 1: Discovery of the farthest, earliest
galaxiesChuck Steidel
Interview 2: Finding the predicted ripples in
creation's afterglow And the universe's finely tuned parameters
George Smoot
Interview 3: A curiously theological result to
come out of scienceRobert Jastrow
Interview 4: The fine tuning of the universe's
expansion rate Marc Davis
Interview 5: The mystery of the big bang's
orderlinessEric Carlson
Interview 6: Hawking on how his no-boundary proposal
relates to God, Guth on inflation and the anthropic
principle, and Penzias on an orderly universeStephen Hawking, Alan Guth, & Arno
Interview 7: The mystery of the universe's critical
density Jeremiah Ostriker & Robert Wilson
Interview 8: Extraterrestrial life and
intelligenceRobert Jastrow, George Smoot, Charles Steidel,
Eric Carlson, Sallie Baliunas
Interview 9: Does the microwave background point to a
creation event?Arno Penzias & Robert Wilson
Interview 10: Where science ends and faith
beginsArno Penzias, George Smoot, Robert Gange, Robert Jastrow
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