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Show Me God�What the Message from Space Is Telling Us About God. Today�s top cosmologists help Fred Heeren examine how their discoveries affect the big questions about the creation, the fine-tuning of the universe, extraterrestrials, and God





Show Me God�What the Message from Space Is Telling Us About God.


3. MAGAZINE: Cosmic Pursuit: Articles by scientists, philosophers, and science writers on the latest evidence regarding: the existence of God, the existence of extraterrestrial life/intelligence, the origin of the universe and the origin of life.

$22.95 Special 4-issue set.  Free trial issue for those in the U.S. who order another item.

4. VIDEO: Evidence for God?�Fred Heeren Interviews Today�s Top Space Scientists: video showing Fred Heeren�s interviews with top astronomers who speak of �a curiously theological result to come out of science.� US$19.99. Introductory price: US$16.88. US$16.88
5. AUDIO CASSETTE: The Adventures of Leon the Cynic: Three 20-minute dramas in one audiocassette, telling the comic story of a lodge of cynics trying to find one clear thinker still living in their generation. They find Michael Faraday. US$9.99. US$9.99.
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